Saturday, October 31, 2009

Breathing Problems?

My huband has been having some breathing issues. When he is asleep I frequently have to SHAKE him to wake him up (somewhat) so that he starts breathing normally again. Also, if I am asleep then he will wake up gasping for air! This scares the crap out of me!! Also, he has been somewhat lightheaded and dizzy. He feels worn down and tired a lot too. He says that he just doesnt feel "right!" He IS a smoker (I know.. I dont need preaching about telling him to quit!) and he works in heat and air so he's been exposed to things like asbestos and fiberglass entering his lungs. He doesnt really have a problem getting a "good" breath though.. just feeling dizzy (like I said). And OF COURSE being a "man" he doesnt want to go to the doctor unless its ABSOLUTELY necessary (and I cant really FORCE him to go, ya know!?) Plus we dont have health insurance b/c we simply cant afford it! I was just wondering if anyone might have a CLUE as to what might be going on!
It could still be sleep apnea. It could also be asthma or emphysema. (or other things). If it's asthma he'll probably get an inhaler that is just wonderful when you're having trouble breathing.

Look for a clinic that treats people without health insurance, even if it's a clinic for low income people. Most places have some kind of free health care for people without health insurance. it's just a matter of looking for it. Try a county hospital clinic. If you still cannot find any place that will take him for free then go to a doctor and tell them up front that you don't have insurance and couldn't afford a large bill and then tell him your husband's symptoms. Most will do what they can for the smallest amount of money or refer you to someone who charges according to income.

With him being run down, it could be so many things and some things get worse if they're not treated as early as possible. Try telling your husband that he's only got one set of lungs and there's no more where that came from. If that doesn't work, jokingly tell him he'll be sleeping on the couch until he sees a doctor!
Sleep apnea can cause problems when one is awake. Feeling esp. tired during the day is one of the main symptoms. Definatly something isn't right, I would certainly try to get him to go to the doc.

1 comment:

  1. hi,,,,early morining walk just before the sunrise in greean place with lots of plants and trees that allow you to breath oxygen rich atmoshphere is very important to tackle your breath problems along with medicine prescribed by your doctor....
    plan your regular trips for camping in such areas with tools and equipment neccessary for camping and adventures...



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