Sunday, October 25, 2009

Bed wetting?

I'm 15 and I STILL wet the bed. I am so freaking tired of it! How can I prevent this?? I already take meds for it... but it hasn't helped...
While that does seem a little old i'd bet you are just about over it. There are probably many 15 year olds that still have that problem. The problem is usually the bladder doesn't grow as fast as the rest of your body. At 15 i would guess that things should just about be normal by now.
omg idk
don't drink liquids anytime after 6!
don't drink fluids up to an hour before bed, make sure you go to the bathroom before you go to sleep, take your meds, or, if things get really bad, you may consider diapers, for the sake of keeping sheets clean. i don't mean to embarrass you, i'm just making suggestions.
Go to the bathroom, before you go to sleep. Don't drink anything for a couple hours before you go to bed. Good luck. It's been years, so.
nocturia, avoiding eating and drinking after 8, see wat happens
Any chance there is an underlying reason for the bedwetting? Does your mom know, ur dad know? they may be able to help you discover what is going on. Is it mental or urological? Not saying you have a mental problem but, sometimes nerves can make you pea. Here's an example, I would pea the bed ANYTIME was in the hospital. I was there a couple of times. It happened all the way up till i was 30. I also used to pea the bed till I was like 10. It was my nerves
talk to a urologist if you aren't already in touch with one. They may need to do some testing to make sure there isn't actually something wrong with the bladder or the uretha(tube leading from the bladder out). See if there is different meds that you can try or increase the dosage of the current ones if your doctor oks it. Try not to drink anything a couple of hours before you go to bed, if your mouth gets dry then try just swishing cool water around and spiting it out, try to avoid pressure on your bladder like a book on your stomach if you read in bed or stomach exercises before bed. Be persistant with your doctors if one doesn't give you the help that you feel you deserve then try someone else. Good Luck!
you are a sound sleeper, try setting your alarm every couple hours and get up and use the restroom. try that for a few nights and that will help your brain to start waking you up on its own

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