Saturday, October 31, 2009

Blood in my stool. Help!?

Okay so i took 2 laxatives because i had been pooping like 5 really dark tiny poops drops once a day. and the laxatives didnt do anything. so i took one more before i went to bed. i woke up in the middle of the night with the worst stomach pains ever and pooped. so i took a cherry mylanta chewable. this morning when i woke up i thought i had started my period when i wiped but it was my butt bleeding. do you think the mucus was just turned red from the chewable or do you think its blood. it looks like blood but im trying to be optimistic. help!
Could be hemorrhoids. If you aren't pooping then maybe you had been pushing really hard trying to get something out and strained yourself. I wouldn't worry to much unless the problem persists.
Call the doctor asap!
Polyps, or hemorrhoids.
Drink more water and see your Dr.
Better to be safe than sorry..Call your dr and schedule an appointment asap and bring it up to his/her attention. I dont want to scare you but blood in your stool isn't good. Good luck and everything will be fine =) continue being helps
There are several reasons a person can bleed from the rectum and none of them are good. Get yourself to a doctor and be quick about it.
I would wait to go again and see if it still looks bloody then i would definitely call the doctor cuz that is a sign of some really serious illnesses.
You might have a gastrointestinal disease like Crohn's or Colitus, which is an ulcer on your intestine's. If it happens again, see a doctor!!
Could be several reason, and no matter what you should see a doctor just to be safe. It's almost always caused by hemorrhoids, when the stool passes by inflames blood vessels and sort of slices them open. It can be very painful, or you can feel nothing at all.

It could also be cause by colon cancer, which is obviously not a good thing. There's a long list of possible causes but either way you should see a doctor. They'll do a full exam and probably take a sample to rule out anything bad like cancer. Most likely it will turn out to be hemorrhoids and you'll get some medicine. Drink more water and eat more fiber!
Go to the doctor now, NOW DARN IT!!!
if you were constipated you could have torn some tissue while pooping. you could have a hemroid or you could have a bleeding ulcer.
Stop the medicines. Eat some mild mild mild food. If you are not straightened out after 48 hours, then see a doctor. Additionally, of course, if something drastic happens, like BIG bleeding, see the doc immediately. But I think you probably bled because you got a sore butt with all the laxatives.

I have read that people WAY overdo it on laxatives in general. These substances are hard on the body. What we need, unless we are really sick, is just a normal, balanced diet every day, with plenty of water.

That said, I am not a doctor. If you suspect you are truly sick, see a doctor. The peace of mind is priceless.

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